Ideas for balanced menus for seniors

A balanced diet is important throughout life, but this becomes even more important with the ageing process. Beware of preconceived ideas concerning the nutritional intake of the elderly and it is better to follow the nutritional advice of a dietician to preserve one's health capital over the years. Among the many factors associated with organ ageing and age-related changes in metabolism, it is important to stress the importance of maintaining a satisfactory nutritional status. This is essential to prevent the onset or worsening of diseases such as a decline in the immune system, osteoporosis or atherosclerosis, and age-related diseases such as cataracts, dementia or cancer... Contrary to a commonly held belief, we do not have to eat less as we age. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to eat less as you get older, you just have to adapt the texture of the food to the difficulties of each elderly person. Example of a mixed menu: mixed Charentais melon, duck with thyme and mixed vegetables, eggs with milk, apple sauce for dessert. Chopped menu: red beetroot, rabbit with chopped mustard, celery purée, chocolate mousse and raspberry count. Both menus are perfectly adapted to each other's difficulties but are still tasty and attractive. With age, the decrease in taste varies between seniors, and is more important for the perception of the salty sensation, hence the need for increased vigilance in the case of a strict sodium-controlled diet. The sense of smell and The sense of pleasure in smells decreases with age. Chewing food becomes difficult, which can lead to food restriction and poor digestion. Very often, the feeling of satiety This can explain the loss of appetite and therefore a lower spontaneous food consumption when two meals are taken close together. An essential nutritional tip is to drink enough By reducing the sensation of thirst, we can see that water intake decreases significantly. However, sensitivity to heat and fever means that more water is needed. Furthermore, it is essential to offer menus adapted to the eating habits of each person, without neglecting the variety of dishes or the colours present on the plate. A colourful plate will be more appetising. Think of enriching food preparations such as soups, yoghurts, etc. with whole milk powder, butter, whole cream or cheese.

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