How to improve the diet of senior citizens

Elderly people need a healthy diet. Each age group has its own type of nutrition that is ideal for maintaining good health. For seniors, a healthy diet can strengthen the immune system and promote bone health, making older people less susceptible to illness and falls. Nutrition and health are closely linked. Here are some basic tips for an older person's diet. Seniors frequently suffer from constipation because often foods that are high in fibre are crunchy or difficult to chew, which is problematic for seniors with dentures. Instead of eating only conventional high-fibre foods, older people should find other sources of fibre, such as cooked or baked fruit or vegetables. Also, with age, older people gradually lose their sense of thirst. However, fluids are not less important simply because older people are less thirsty. Doctors recommend that older people drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluid a day. Protein is an integral part of a person's healthy diet, regardless of age. Fish, poultry, eggs and lean meats are good sources of protein. A person's metabolism slows down as they age, so it is important to reduce the amount of fat in a person's diet as they get older. However, reducing fat intake does not necessarily mean eliminating it. Fat should not be eliminated from the diet of older people, as it can still be a valuable source of energy. However, older people are advised to reduce the amount of fat in their diet to counteract a slowing metabolism. Calcium is essential for bone health, and a lack of calcium in an older person's diet can increase the risk of osteoporosis, which weakens bones and increases the risk of falls, which can lead to fractures. To improve the nutrition and health of older people with milk-related digestive problems, they can add fat-free milk powder to their diet. Consuming lactose-free milk can also allow seniors to still drink milk and enjoy the valuable calcium.

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